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Karen Misenheimer was a CNA for 22 years. After recently suffering from an injury, she decided that it was time to change her career. Little did she know how difficult it was going to be to obtain one. Fast forward to 100 applications later, Karen still hasn’t heard from a single one. e. If the job market is so strong, why was it so hard for her to get an offer?
Karen attempted to send resumes to jobs related and unrelated to her field. It is a common misconception that CNA experience strictly lies in the medical field, but what about all of the patients families she speaks to? It should not be necessary for her to disclose that she has customer service experience on her resume. It also should not make or break an application if she is lacking the necessary key words for a job application answering phones.
Karen is not the problem. The problem lies within the job application process. If people are looking for a job, companies are looking for them. However, resumes are not enough. A candidate must understand the culture of the company and what's important to them. Without an interview, this said candidate isn't even offered a chance. Too many job platforms require key words while also not wanting certain details on a resume. For this reason, applications of qualified candidates might never get to the hiring managers. The ratio of applicants offered an interview is 1 in 5. This means if there are 100 applicants for a position, only 20 will potentially get offered an interview. The larger the applicant pool, the less chance a qualified candidate has.
Karen is not the only one going through this struggle. Are you or someone you know struggling to find a job, or are looking for companies hiring in a specific field? Flexjobs, a well known hiring platform, explains that it is important to include key words that match the job description, without spilling too much unwanted detail. But thats not all! In our continuously advancing, tech-enabled world, companies are beginning to look up potential qualified candidates' social media.
Source: Monreal, Jane. (14 March 2022). “My Heart Just Sank...” Retrieved from
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